Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Live, Love, Relax.

Greetings everyone!

It would appear that I've deceased from this blog, however it's always going to be on my mind!
Truth be told, I can only play now (due to work schedules and such) an hour or two a day! Oh no! But no worries! I've come bearing presents & EXPERIENCES!!

I got to experience my very first Carnival of the Ascended ! I threw rings on turtle like creatures, jump for joy for the Wooden Horses on a track, and STOMPED on balloons. It's very fun during this time of the year, anniversaries are great fun regardless of where they're shared!  I won some tickets, and traversed the world looking for Pinatas.  My favorite part of the event? As pictured above, there's a <Memory Game> that tests your ability to remember an order! Reminded me of Simon Says from when I was young. Did you have one? I sure did!(That bad boy->)

5 goes, that's all you need! What color will reveal? It's a secret, a mystery wheel!

I absolutely loved this game, so much I spent close to an hour playing it one afternoon, just to get the amount of tickets I needed for my very first <Carnival Celebration Crate> 150 tickets.  My prize for opening the crate? A new pet summon! He's pure white, and has four paws! He's amazing.

I don't know if he makes any sounds or not, since I haven't paid quite full attention .. since there's always so much going on, in regards to the screen, and numbers and paying attention so that I don't die.... again..... -sigh-

I do want to wish my fellow Ascendants the best of luck with their events!! I hope everyone is having a lot of fun, I know I sure did!

I do have a few things planned for this blog, just while the events are winding down..... and HOLY COW!! I just read that CLERICS will be getting an all new SOUL, Finally a Support role for Clerics! No Longer just healing mindlessly away, and attempting to keep everyone alive ! It will be a very good time.....

Wondering why I'm excited over a Cleric Soul? I mean, considering my last few posts have been about how I love Mages.... Maybe the previous posts were a bit... early to base a judgement on? Over the last week or so, I've tried Warrior tank, and Cleric DPS.

I'm currently ditching the Mage idea, since I'm sick and tired of being killed like a worm in the sun. Quick and (what I imagine it like) extremely painful.

Besides, Clerics just look so bad ass. My little fella is level 37 or so.  I really should take a new screenshot of him (this was taken at level 30).
I still have the hat, it's just that I switched from a Mace to a 2h Hammer. Also, DEFIANT. Turns out I have a few friends in a shard IRL that play, so I might join them.  Not 100% sure, since I like my current guild. I still need to become a Guardian, at least once. I feel like having all the souls available to me, would make me want to further explore more. Currently for DPS i'm rocking the Inquisitor, while for healing I'm fooling around with the Sentinel pre-made build. I tried branching off to become an Area of Effect Cleric so I could take down multiple mobs at once, but ... certain macros do not work for me.

This is all from me tonight! Just one more day of work, and I'll be able to focus on RIFT for 2 days! Which is great, since I miss running around & exploring! Haha.

Have a great night&day fellow Telarans! 

1 comment:

  1. Good u r blogging again :) i know what u mean bout mages... i have a cleric too. But the mage is so fun even tho she drives me crazy most of the time :):)
    Time... i wish i had more of that. I dont play more than a few hours a week atm but these hours are precious.
    Stay alive ♥
